I told everyone that I would keep you posted, and look, here I am keeping my promises. We are officially 18 weeks pregnant – only two weeks off from the halfway mark! Crazy right? According to my two pregnancy apps, the baby is now the size of a sweet potato, or – a sugar glider. I’m not sure how I feel about our baby being compared to vegetables and animals, but sugar gliders are pretty adorable, so I’ll allow it. In my first trimester, I had some bloodwork done by Dr. Lee that indicated I may have hyperthyroidism caused by...
I needed some space before I posted this update. I’m sure everyone understands. As I mentioned we were waiting and hoping for a Day 5 Blastocyst, and we were waiting to hear from the Embryologist. Well, I heard from them at 9AM on Thursday morning, and the embryologist told me that based on the results they were seeing, that they wanted me to come in that afternoon for a Day 3 Transfer, at 2:30PM. This meant our embryos were not on track to be considered good enough quality to be frozen as blastocysts. Of course, my heart just sank. Of the...
As promised, here is my new set of protocol that I need to follow. Look at all the pretty colors! Somebody used every color in the highlighter pack…Anyway. It’s 5/29, so I began taking the Doxycycline which is an antibiotic that I will remain on until my egg transfer. The purpose for this is obvious, after any procedure they will prescribe antibiotics in order to ward off any possible infection. Tomorrow, I will take two tylenol with a small sip of water (this was stressed several times) at 7AM, and we will arrive for the appointment at 8:15AM, actual procedure will...
So here we are, on day 10 of stims, and HAPPILY – tomorrow morning is my last day of injections! They told me to take my Gonal-F tonight as normal, and then tomorrow to only take the Ganirelix and Menopur in the morning. Dr. Cass came in and very happily and said we are ‘on our way’! She then told me how her arm gets tired after doing my ultrasound because I have so many follicles on the right hand side. “I cant rest my arm while performing the ultrasound, and there’s so many!” She is now affectionately referring to my...
Before I even get into the details, let me just say two things – 1) This blog is going to include all the less than pleasant details (including medical terminology), so if that is not your thing, you may not want to read. 2) Holy crap, what a ridiculous amount of information that was thrown at us today. Complete overload. Dean and I arrived for our appointment ahead of time and had filled out all of our paperwork ahead of time (because, planner). The ladies at check-in were very nice and accommodating. When I advised that they should have received a...
After being together for almost 10 years, my husband Dean and I have officially been diagnosed as an infertile couple. This means that our only option of conceiving a child together is through In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). It has taken a long time and a lot of consideration for us to decide whether or not we wanted to share our story publicly, but the situation has changed in such a way that we cannot (and should not) remain silent any longer. Ever since I was a little girl, the only thing I ever dreamed of being was a mother. In...